Sunday, 13 March 2016

The March "Chill Out" bee at Albert Street

A cooler morning for a working bee saw a return of good numbers in the garden.

Arden checks the toms,

and finds a bean to munch.

Chill Out visitors find out about the garden 

Felix and Richard come for a squizz too.

Fe prunes out the dead wood and helps the children gather some yumness.

Ian cuts up prunings while Meg turns compost

Jeremy and Jasper harvest parsnips

The toms finally start ripening.

Patrick prepares pruned nectarine leaves as green waste for the compost.

Lindy, Tia and Meg take it all too seriously.

Lena and Patrick listen to Hepburn Community Radio gardening presenter, Mike Brown.

Woody does some garden biking.

Meg demonstrating happy soil bacteria really exists.

Zero digs for mice in the compost.
Thank you to everyone who came along to the bee, and to everyone who came by to drop off seeds and seedlings to be planted and to be shared in the free food stall out the front. Next month's bee is on Saturday April 9 at the Albert St garden from 10am-12pm. Hope you can make it. xx

Three quiet summer working bees

As we better understand the nature of gardening and producing food it becomes clear that not every summer is as abundant as them all. A very dry year has lowered our enthusiasm a little, but that's OK, nothing in life maintains a steady equilibrium. We embrace change and low ebb times too. 

Here's a selection of pictures taken at the December, January and February working bees.

Group conference with Mr O scratching his head.


Czech friends with Mara

Alexis and DCFG friend weed hunting

Dora and Lindy saving seeds

DCFG friend and Jacinta 

Lena and Stewart

Friend, Ginger and Lindy

Ruby and Ivan keeping it playful

Sarah seed collecting

Thanks for coming everyone. Looking forward to the March 'Chill Out' bee.