Saturday 8 June 2013

June Bee (community compost capers)

A frosty morning brought us out slowly today for our monthly working bee.

But when the sun seeped into the Albert Street garden, so did our smiles.

We admired the winter's fruit and our own climate zone which allows for some form of fruit year round.

While we worked away in the garden Tom played up our spirits with the sun.

During the lead up to the working bee we collected pallets, leaves, straw and horse manure for our bonza winter compost workshop. We demonstrated how to build a four-bay compost area and how to set a compost for some serious heat decomposition.

We recycled, reclaimed and reloved everything, including ourselves. About thirty of us turned up to lend a hand, hand-cut the grass, prune and take out the dead organic matter to add to our composts.

It was all very Portlandia, which we relocalised as Daylesfordia.

But unlike Portlandia we actually had something to show for ourselves other than just jokes, although we had those too.

Soil fertility! There's nothing more important than compost in a post-fossil fuel future.

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