Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Skate Park mulching bee: 5pm Wednesday 12 November... THAT'S TOMORROW!

There will be a special community garden working bee at the DCFG Skate Park on Wednesday 12th Nov at 5pm. It will be great to be down there together and it's also a chance to get the lowdown on the Daylesford Community Fair coming up on Sunday 30th November 12-3pm.

Luke Pither from the Daylesford Community Food Gardeners will be giving a workshop and we're expecting it be a one hour event, the more folk the merrier. Luke is an amazing font of knowledge and garden wisdom!  BYO barrows, spades, rake hoes or rakes. We will weed, and spread the mulch, and hopefully there will also be some sawdust so we can refresh the paths. Everyone is welcome. Bring some picnic food to share so the kids can munch and we can sit down together afterwards.

You will notice a brand new seat at the park, that was installed on November 6, to go with the arch. Special thanks again to Karen and Dave at Overwrought, and Hepburn Shire Council, Rural Access and the awesomely generous support of the Daylesford Community Op Shop.

November 8 bee: A full morning's work in the hot sun

This month's small gathering continued the great ongoing work that has been done since the last bee by Christine and Pete, Sam & Ayumi, Dave, Sebastian and others… we salute you!

Saturday's dedicated workers were Tony, Jo, Sam & Saaci (& bantams!), with visits from Bridie, & Ian.

Sam, Bridie, Tony, Jo
Saaci & Twistie
Today: the lawns were mowed, the garden edgings tidied, compost and mulch from the bins was spread throughout the garden (and the residue in the bins was sorted, turned and reorganised), seedlings from various beds, including potatoes and broccoli, were transplanted into better positions, there was weeding and tidying, and the worm farm was watered and juice collector repositioned to enable easier usage.

Nearly breaktime!
The very earnest work of bug collecting was undertaken by our feathered friends – thanks to Saaci and Sams's silky bantams!

Bugcatcher No.1

Postscript: The indefatigable Sam was noticed around 5pm, still at work in the garden... good on you Sam!