Sunday, 22 June 2014

Next working bee and meeting: Saturday 12 July – 2nd Saturday of the month!

At the last bee we discussed options for the next DCFG meeting, and it was decided to combine the meeting with the working bee... do the work, then talk over any issues or actions that we need to be thinking about and considering. (eg. there are lease renewals for Albert Street & Rea Lands coming up in September). If the weather is dry we will have the meeting onsite at Albert Street right after the bee...  if wet / freezing, we can adjourn to either the library or a nearly cafĂ©. See you then and see you there: Saturday 12 July – 2nd Saturday of the month!

Monday, 16 June 2014

June bee: a whirl of gardeners

Making-up for last month's wash-out, people got busy for the year's first real winter working bee, and fortunately the weather was good.
It was high energy input from gardeners of all ages including Yael with Essie & Akira, Jo, Tony, Lena, Renee, Dora, Ian, Brett (visiting on a break from Medecins sans Frontieres and considering his next move), Jeremy & Tia with Jasper & Arden, Antony & Fiona with Luna, Luke & Kate with Edie & Isla. Vegies were dug, died back plants came out, beds were cleaned up, weeded and mulched, edges cleared, the seed bed was thinned with selected seedlings migrating to other beds. A background narrative of the morning was addressing the piles of compost that had built up over the last two months... Tony and Jeremy were on it consistently with help from Lena, Fiona, Antony, Jo, Brett, Luke and others. A whirl of activity swept through the garden... pictures give a glimpse of our industrious morning.

Artichokes galore were dug: Akira, Essie (with dirt on her hands) & Lena 
Lots of chatting:  Kate, Tia, Fiona, Luna & Arden / Brett & Maureen
Tia &Yael / Lena & Luke
Dora brought organic Pink Lady apples from home 
Pink Lady appreciation society considers these apples seriously good... almost lost for words!
Ant, Brett, Jo, Alison 

Renee, Yael, Ant

Jo (at a serious moment) Alison & Brett (artichoking)

Luna, Arden, Tia & Fiona thinning seedlings

Transplanted lettuces

Dora, Alison

Compost awaiting attention

Tony, our man on the ground

Joined by Jeremy

Lena adds to raw materials
Luke & Jo bringing straw

The straw was powdery so masks were needed

Brett & Jo get down & tidy up!

This month's new life form, & worm of the day... (hand models Brett & Jasper)
and as the world turns around her...  Isla sleeps 

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Next Working Bee: Saturday 14 June

Hello Gardeners... Lena has drawn attention to the wrong date being broadcast, in last months blog post, for the June working bee.
The arrangement of having working bees on the second Saturday of each month, weather permitting, continues... Hope to see lots of people on Saturday 14 June for the first of this years winter workouts... rug up and hoe down!