An unhurried and relaxed turn-out for the first working bee of the new year… Lena, Tony, Jo, Alison, Ruby, Pete, Vaughan, Anita, Ian, Dora, Luke, Kate, Yael & Matt (with Akira & Essie) gathered at Albert Street.
Some people are still away, others have just returned from a break. There was a general noting and nodding agreement that the garden was in fact looking pretty good! …all that was needed was some tidying up, edging, a little weeding, some mulching, compost-turning (special thanks to Vaughan who put in a solid session at the compost) and a very conscientious watering ahead of the upcoming 27-35-39-38-40-36-24 degree week. Other than the maintenance, some home-grown capsicum seedlings brought along by Dora were happily accommodated. It was also generally and pleasingly noted that produce is being progressively harvested and there is little evidence of any wastage.
The morning saw a lot of chatting, many exchanges, greetings and discussions. Apart from general news and specific gardening talk, Rae Lands Park was raised in quite a few conversations with there being a general resolution to bring more attention and resources to that arm of the Community Garden project this year. Note: there will be a Rae Lands pictorial update posted in the next few days.
Meanwhile… some garden details …
(there are tiny mulberries in there....) |
(disappearing leeks and expanding cabbages) |
(this broccoli has been steadily harvested) |
… some activity views …
Anita |
Tony |
Anita again |
Pete, Lena, Vaughan, Matt with Essie |
… and lots of chatting!
Vaughan, Lena, Tony, Jo, Ruby, Alison |
Vaughan (at work), Lena, Matt, Akira, Pete, Anita |
Jo, Luke, Tony |
Luke, Pete, Kate, Jo (behind Tony), Yael |
At the end of the morning Yael shared some wonderful broccoli from a particular household garden in Perrin's Lane…
... later in the day it found its way into a rather tasty pasta that was part of the meal a few of us all shared at an evening picnic by Lake Daylesford.