Saturday, 20 December 2014

December Bee: on the record... another busy day in the garden

While the monthly working bees have previously been a kind of regular housekeeping, the last few have built on an increasing amount of work done between sessions. Particularly busy in the last few weeks have been Dave, Sam, Peter and Chris, and on arrival this Saturday morning, everywhere to be seen was evidence of their ongoing tending.

This month Bullarto farmer Rob Botheras generously donated a large bale of lucerne mulch. During the morning this was distributed, along with plenty of mature compost from the compost bays, right through the garden. Donated and bought seedlings were planted; the compost bays turned; beds were weeded as needed; and around midday Pete and Sam made a new bed at the front of the garden.

Sam & Ayumi roll the lucerne in

Pete and Sam
Dante (in pink), Pete, Yael, Ayumi

Matt and Pete

Dante, Akira and Pete (O)
Pete, Pete, Sam, Dora 

Pete and Sam
Sam, Marion, Maureen

Today's gardeners were Dave, Sam, Ayumi, Peter & Chris(tine), Pete(r O), Ian (who took the photos) Matt & Yael with Dante & Akira, Dora, Maureen & Marion (visiting from France). Sam & Marion were still at work mid-afternoon.

The wash-up!

The new front bed

The garden one week later...

Appreciative visitors

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Rea Lands Berries and Currants: fruit ripening... and nearly ready for plucking... And coming up... Albert Street December Bee Sat 13

The berries and currants along the Rea Lands wall are laden with fruit that is progressively ripening... 

Sampling freely available for all passing people... and birds!

Albert Street Working Bee coming up Saturday 13 December

Below: snapshot from 2013's December Bee